Sunday, September 11, 2011

911 Ten Years On

It's 10 years to the day since September 11. This day defined the first decade of the new century. It's also the day the world changed forever.
I remember the day or rather the next day for us with absolute clarity, almost like the 10 years haven't passed. I was at home getting ready for work and my partner turned on the TV and from that moment time stood still. Knowing he has friends in New York city, he took off for work in an attempt to ensure their safety.
I'd not traveled much at that stage and didn't really have a concept of New York, Washington or what it could possibly mean to be in a plane, let alone one that had been taken over by terrorists.
10 Years on and the images streaming into our homes are just as poignant as they were back then, maybe even more so. I still can't believe that something to this magnitude could be executed. That almost 3000 innocent people on their way to work, in a plane, or like the fire fighters, helping fellow countrymen lost their lives. It's such a waste.
In two weeks I'm heading to New York and Washington with friends. This will be my first visit. I'll be sure to pay my respects to those men and women who lost their lives and take a moment to think about those left behind.

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