Friday, November 1, 2013

Getting Sick

2013 started out quite well but 3 days before my birthday my little world fell apart. I forced BF to get a blood test. He'd lost about 25kg over the last year and we knew he was sick but so many doctors appointments had shown nothing wrong. The wonderful team at Royal North Shore hospital determined he was in full renal failure. He'd need a new kidney and dialysis every day until he got that kidney or for life.

Wow, that was a shock. He's come a long way over the past few months. He's gently getting back at work and sport, and home dialysis every night. That part is hard, beeping and alarms every night and 8 solid hours tied to a machine, but discipline and being organised helps. It means we're unable to travel for a while as a couple. And things are certainly a lot different with day planning. 

Next week I am attending an information day for live donors. I've offered my kidney to BF in the hope that we're compatible and it gives us back the quality of life that he's had. I've not told my parents or family yet, but my work and my friends know. I still don't know how I'm feeling about this, except that I've never been so sure about something in my life. 
Wish me luck, I'm sure I'll be posting more info as I get a grip on my feelings.

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