Friday, April 5, 2013

In a writing funk

I can talk about anything, but I can't seem to find my mojo to write. Possible nuclear detonation at the hands of North Korea - discussed over a Mexican dinner party last night for about 4 hours. Implications for China, Russia, India if there was a war, covered. 
Sydney's infrastructure, should I begin with the bus that broke down at my bus stop yesterday or that I was again, 20 min late to work when it's only a 3km trip? You really don't want me to get started.

But words and writing, I just can't find it in me lately.


I always wondered if cruising was for me. I can see the endless cocktails, and funny folded hand towels in my room, I can see buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but I can't see me taking part in early morning yoga on the deck, or line dancing lessons. 

The BF surprised me with a 9 day cruise to New Caledonia a week after we moved back to Sydney. How am I supposed to react to a 9 day cruise after the year I'd had (in the same month as Christmas). Not overly well I found out.

I was bored, bored before we took off and bored for the next 9 days. I found out we're not the line dancing type, and we're not much for karaoke or yoga. We watched a lot of television (often the same episodes of Greatest Catch repeated) and a few shared cocktails. 

The day trips onto the islands were rushed and there was very little to. I'm not sure if it was to do with our boat in particular, or just our type of holiday style, maybe a little of both. For me it felt like an RSL club on water. And I'm not one to frequent the local club. 

Maybe I'll give it another shot another time (with a different liner) but I think it'll be a little while before that happens.